Get involved in local community projectsParticipate in international youth exchange and sponsorship of local youth in leadership and personal development programsForm Partnerships with other worldwide Rotary clubs and organisations in projects related to Health, Hunger, Water, Environment and LiteracyOrganise a variety of Fundraising activitiesHave fun!
Enjoy great friendship and fun with a group of men and women of all ages from all walks of life.Broaden your horizon and perspective on life and derive personal satisfaction from helping others in your local, national and international community.Personal growth and leadership development through educational programs.Business networking and social activities.Members are encouraged to develop their individual talents through committee work and public contact and to obtain personal satisfaction from putting something back into the community. Rotarians endeavour to live by the ethic of The 4 way Test of things we think, say or do.
We gather every first and third Monday evening of every month at 6.30pm for 7.00pm at the Buckingham hotel, 1130 Nepean Highway Highett, 3190. For the first 15 minutes, we have ‘fellowship’ and catch up with each other at the bar. Before each meeting, we pay for our meals, grab our Rotary name badge and head inside for the meeting.The Chairman opens the meeting with Rotary Grace and a Toast to Rotary. After the toasts, the President welcomes Club members, visiting Rotarians and guests. During the meeting, we eat our evening meal while all Directors are given the opportunity to address the Club with their business. After dinner, the Chairman introduces the guest speaker who presents their session. Guests may be any person, a business or government representative, director of one of the charitable organizations to which the Club contributes, a Rotary Ambassadorial Scholar, Rotary Exchange student from another nation, or a community leader. There is opportunity to ask questions of the guest speaker on completion of their presentation.We adjourn between 8.30-9.00pm although one week out of every four, Board members stay on for an additional Board meeting.
A unique aspect of Rotary is the opportunity to join another club meeting in another town or country if they miss their own club meeting due to business or holidays. Rotarians are welcome to join another club meeting anywhere in the world and learn how another club operates. It is called a "makeup" and it's reported at their own club meeting on return.
The Rotary club of Moorabbin meets 1st and 3rd Mondays in the month for a dinner meeting with a guest speaker at the Buckingham Hotel, 1130 Nepean Highway Highett, 6.30 for 7pm.
Membership has an annual subscription fee and is open to all men and women who are in business, a trade or profession, living or working in our local area.
1st week in the month –Guest speaker3rd week in the month- Guest speakerBimonthly there is a social night or vocational visit to an organization in our community in place of a dinner meeting..Board meetings for directors are held monthly after a dinner meeting or another night.Guests and partners may attend any night although it is strongly recommended for the guest speakers or the social nights and vocational tours simply because they are interesting, engaging and a key opportunity to learn and have fun.